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The interesting legend of Padmanabha Swamy Temple, Thiruvanthapuram


Padmanabha Swamy temple,Thiruvanantha Puram, Kerala/in.images.search.yahoo.com
The capital city of Kerala - Thiruvananthapuram is named after  the presiding deity of the holy temple  Sri Padmanabha swamy where the lord is  in the reclining Anantha sayanam posture - sleeping  merrily (Ananda Sayanam) on the coiled bed of  a hooded five headed serpent  frequently referred to as Adhiseshan.   Here  the god being the nominal head of the state, the Maharajah and his subjects are God's  servants, hence the presiding deity assumes the title "PerumalThis famous Hindu temple of Lord Vishnu  of Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala  is considered as one of the 108 divya desam - the holiest abodes of Vishnu by the Vaishnava tradition.

Padmanabha Swamy temple,Thruvanantha Puram, Kerala vaikhari.org/

 This temple is widely mentioned in various texts like  Skanda Purana, Padma Purana, Vayu Purana, Varaha Purana and Brahmanda Purana  In Padma Purana there is a note on  this famous temple where the Lord is having his yoganidra  - Anantasayanam. In Brahmanda Purana, a whole chapter named Anantapura Mahatmyam, is dedicated to this temple.  Considered as  as one of seven 'Mukti Sthalas' in the 'Syanandoora Purana Samuchayam,'  Chaitanya Maha Prabhu of modern times was of the view that  it is one of the six seats of Narayana. 
Tradition states that in this place, Lord Vishnu gave darshan (revealing his divine appearance)  to sages like Divakaar Muni and Vilwamangalam Swamiyar. Legend has it the temple was first built on the  950th day of the Kali Yuga  by Divakara Muni, a Tulu Brahmin ascetic and an ardent devotee of Sri Vishnu.  For the pious sage it was his daily chore to spend his time meditating on Lord Vishnu. When sage Divakara  was intensely doing penance and Tapas in 'Aatharta' desa  one day Maha Vishnu wanted to test the sage's piety and appeared before him in the guise  of a  mischievous, naughty child. The sage mystified by the charms and aura  of boy asked him to stay with him and help him with his daily chores and routine  religious activities. The child agreed to his request  on  condition that he should not question his activities and  get upset with him. The Muni agreed and put up with the kid's childish and playful  pranks  One day, while playing,  the child swallowed the 'saligrama (a Saligrama stone is actually a Paleozoic fossil form of Ammonites found in the Himalayan mountain ranges and in the river beds;. because of the presence of whorls in the fossilized stone  that look like Lord Vishnu's   Sri Chakra,  Saligrama stones are considered holy by the Hindus)  that was kept for Puja purposes. Diwakara Muni was  not happy about it and was on the look out for the child.  He chased the kid  who, at last,  hid himself  behind a tree saying "if you wish to see me again, you will find me in Anantankadu, the forest of Ananta". The sage was in grief  and followed the child. Finally, he reached a wooded area near the sea shore  and saw the child vanishing into a huge Ilippa (bassia longifolia) tree. Soon, the tree fell to  the ground, assuming the shape of a recumbent Maha Vishnu. The manifested divine form was  so huge  his head was at  Thiruvallam and its feet at Trippapur. Overawed by the majesty and grandeur of the resplendent  divine form, the sage pleaded pardon and requested him to come back to his normal size, so that he could see his blissful, divine appearance. Accordingly, Lord Vishnu shrank in size  and asked the Muni that he cold be worshiped  here  through three  doors. Later sage Divakara  offered pujas to the deity. That is the reason why Theidol of Lord Vishnu is viewed through three doors in the Gabagrah (Sanctum Sanctorum) or Sri Kovil at this temple.

This temple has vast treasures worth more than 20 to 30 billion dollars hidden in the secret chambers right below the temple and hence considered as the richest temple in the world. The vast treasures came to light a few years ago while routine inventory work was on.


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