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What has Sir Charles Tegart colonial Bitish India's senior police officer got to do with Palestine and Jewish homeland?

Charles Tegart. The notorious British police officer   NoiseBreak

Over a long period of time, Britain became an imperial power having colonies in many parts of the world.  It's growth was phenomenal after the annexation of Bengal with dubious means in the late 18th century, They received vast amount of revenue from Bengal with which they grew in stature and became a force to reckon with.  Because of over exploitation  of Indian natives and their lands, besides their  land-grabbing spree  using various excuses, the emergence of countless revolutionaries, Indian nationalist and freedom fighters, India  became a  trouble spot in the British Empire. Now, freedom movement had taken  firm roots in India.  Britain's relation with India is a complex one. That England, a rich nation  was helping India, a poor nation  progress  in a democratic set up is not true. On the contrary, India was a rich nation in the 15th century with a GDP of 23% and exported vast quantities of textiles, spices, etc and maintained the same GDP when the East India company arrived here for trade purpose. When they found out there no semblance of unity among the Indian rulers, besides  a weird society torn by religion and castes, the English company's job became  simple. They kept the various groups apart and then they had begun to take over the kingdoms and the lands one by one. This way the colonists in India helped England  come out of poverty, using revenue from the Indian subcontinent, Mind you in the 5th century, Britain's GDP was just less then 0.05%. The major  advantages they  had were  their military and artillery power and good organizational and administrative power backed by Machiavellian craftiness. They changed the political and trade scenario in India in the late 1900s. As early as 1870, India got 22% of British overseas investment, and, on the eve of the World War I, it was the largest single market for British exports.

The problem of  holy land of Palestine in the 1920-1930s was primarily due to  British meddling to establish their hegemony there.  As the Jews had no home land  exclusively for them for centuries, Britain took upon itself the task of creating a home land for the Jews by allowing their migration into the Holy Land from Europe. The  Arab population of Palestine  understood the implication of this move by the British and the repercussions in the future. Knowing that the British had a selfish motive  in this respect, the Arabs revolted against them.
postal ensign (British Mandate of Palestine 1923-1948)
For the British, Palestine (''The British Mandate''
was a
geopolitical entity established between 1920 and 1923 in the region of Palestine as part of the Partition of the Ottoman Empire under the terms of the British Mandate for Palestine) was a sort of ''Hinge Empire''so their problems  may impact the smooth administration of the British empire. India, the crown among the colonies, having become a ''cash cow'' for the wily British, safe-guarding the access to the Suez Canal,  would mean getting  the shortest and cheapest sea route to bring troops and trade to and from India. So, the British  must hang in the Palestine land and a home land for Jews would give them an extra strength. A sort of double-edged sword.

The Arab revolt (1936-1939) became a serious one, forming a road block to their ambition,  They kept bringing in  arms and weapons south into Palestine from Lebanon and Syria and it became a menace.   Britain, at this crucial juncture,  turned to one uncompromising Irish  man  who could advise (1936-1939) the  British police force in Palestine on how to deal with political unrest and end smuggling of illegal weapons into Palestine. The choice fell on  none other than Sir Charles  Tegart, the Commissioner of Police, Calcutta, an embodiment of  cruelty and terror when dealing with opponents against the British empire. He knew how to deal with Indian insurgency and had a name for using violent and uncompromising way with detainees; no room for long interrogation or through investigation. The United Kingdom had a lot to protect the subcontinent to keep their economy healthy
and it relied on tough men like Sir Charles Tegart to get the job done.

Having arrived in Palestine in December 1937, Tegart had quickly sprung into action. To prevent Arab gangs bringing arms and weapons into Palestine , he proposed creating a line of fortresses -  77 reinforced concrete police stations and posts  to safeguard any  ferocious attack and control  the movement of insurgents, goods and weapons along the northern border of Palestine. On his recommendations  were built  new"Tegart forts" in 1938, as they came to be referred to  throughout Palestine;  many were built  after the Arab Revolt in 1940-41. They were built of reinforced concrete with water systems that would allow them to withstand a month-long siege. 
Tegart fort at Kibbutz Sasa  en.wikipedia.org

The Tegart police fort at Latrun, Iseael   en.wikipedia.org
A few surviving ones are  being used by Israeli and Palestinian   forces.
To this day they have become monuments and bear testimony to Charles Tegart's  courage of conviction and devotion to duty in his line of work.

British mandate, Palestine. SlidePlayer
British mandate, PalestineSlidePlayer
You seldom run into men like Tegart  who is specially molded for police duty. In the present world we cant think of his cruel methods to get to the bottom of the truth. Things like suspect profiling, background check, forensic evidence and human rights were never heard of in those days. His survival of six assassination attempt on him in Bengal  made him  a tough man, who could not be cowed down  in any given situation. 
In 1942 Tegart headed  operations at the Ministry of Food in wartime Britain to combat the black market which affected the economy of England during that crucial period.Tegart died in April 1946 at his home of age-related disease.


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