Channel: Navrang India
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Funny quotes 20

To be alone:

Lonely souls in the grave. www.cartoonstock.com
Nice tp be alone, hate to be lonely quotesideas.com
"Considering the fact that we meet all kinds of people in our lives, 

choosing the right person as our friends has become a tough job. As 

such, I would rather be alone, starring at the ceiling in my house 

than in the company of lousy, bad people. Why take risk?"

Spiritualist and his safeguard:

Swamiji and black money. mysay.in
"We, nowadays, run into fake God men and  preachers of 

spirituality. For them religion may be the best armor to save their 

head and  soul, but  the  worst cloak to cover their immorality of 

cheating the innocent people. "
Swamiji refusing to take Narco or polygraph test!!blog.cartoonmovement.com
 Beggar and the broke:
Beggar and mobile phone.sushantskoltey.wordpress.com
"The difference between a bankrupt and the beggar is the, former 

is  without a panhandle and the latter is never  bankrupt, but with 

a panhandle to rattle and a mobile phone to chat.".
Beggars' concern.www.funnyjunksite.com
Bankrupt. financialserviceswarehouse.co.uk

Financial  and moral  bankruptcy. www.cartoonstock.com

Bottomless wallet:

Man with a wallet www.clipartof.com
 "A politician's wallet is bottomless, so is  beggars' purse. It can never be filled up to the brim.".


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