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Let us remember Netaji Chandra Bose - who fought for India's freedom till his death


Subbash Chandra Bose, freedom fighter. Britannica

The Union Culture Ministry' announcement  on Tuesday  that  stating from this year January 23, birth anniversary of Subhash Chandra Bose, one of the greatest freedom fighters of India and the one who first called Mahatma Gandhi the''Father of the Nation''  would be celebrated  annually as “Parakram Diwas” - day of courage, is a good news. Indeed, a rich tribute to  him for his selfless contribution to India's freedom 

His 125th birth anniversary  celebrations will begin  on 23 January this year and  continue till 22 January 2022.  Glad to hear that a permanent exhibition will be opened in the Victoria Hall, Kolkata, WB on his birth anniversary day this year and the Indian PM  Shri Modiji will visit Kolkata  to declare open several events. There will be celebration at Cuttack (Odisha), Netaji's birthplace. As part of long celebrations coin and postage stamp  bearing his mage would be released. The other proposal on the anvil are the introduction of an express train in his name by the Railway Ministry,  the painting of some Air India aircraft with Bose’s images by the Civil Aviation Ministry,  a special  ''Beating Retreat'' ceremony by the Defense Ministry, etc.   Bose's catchy slogan was  “Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom!” as well as “Jai Hind. He started a sort of one man army by reorganizing  Indian national Army  (first founded by Mohan Deb) in SE Asia (numbering more than 40000   and included  volunteers, retired. service men and prisoners trained by the Japanese army.). The Indian government had just announced that the Howrah-Kalka mail is renamed as the ''Netaji Express'' in honor  of Chandra Bose. 

In a notification, the Ministry said the government had decided to celebrate the 125th birth anniversary  this month in a manner worthy of him and his sacrifice  to get India freed from the vice-like grip of the British rulers. The crown administration  had never shown any sign of loosening their control on the Indian subcontinent, particularly,  during the second world war (1939-1945).  After WWII, though emerged victorious, Brittan was almost bankrupt and  severely clobbered by the powerful  German 

PM. Churchill and Bengal famine 194.youtube.comwatch?v=om0612PjI5k

PM.Churchill and Bengal famine 1943.quora.com

army and the Axis powers.  The hasty retreat under German bombardment  was the first indication that   that ''all was not well in the empire’s HQ''. The over ambitious country  had begun to see holes in their imperialistic greed. The great Bengal famine of 1943 that saw the death of about  about 3 million people and the irresponsible  attitude during that time by the conservative British  politicians led by Winston Churchill  and equally disparaging remark made by him on the Bengal famine and on Gandhi had widened the cracks and pushed the freedom struggle in faster  mode. 

Bose with Patel and Gandhi. .bbc.com/news

Honoring an upright  and gritty political leader like Netaji Bose will positively give inspiration to the coming younger generation. India's young people, particularly in the south,  are more exposed to certain  dishonest and corrupt politicians than honest and dedicated politicians of past era who were action oriented. Whatever they did it was for the welfare of the people and progress of the nation. There was no such a thing called linguistic chauvinism. Unfortunately, certain  politicians  of today in the South, besides being atheists   openly indulge in caste-based and communal-based politics. None of them is  interested  in the progress of our nation and the integrity of our multi-lingual and  multi-religious communities. ''Secularism'' has become a misnomer in Tamil Nadu and elsewhere to  confuse gullible people and make biased remarks on countless dedicated political leaders.. In a democratic country well spirited politicians with  correct and unbiased ideology  can take the country forward and improve the standard of life. .

As for Netaji, he faced more foes than others in his political carrier and he never lost his patriotic zeal; when confronted by  adversaries, he was quite tolerant and never lost his ground. Apart from  being a charismatic political leader, he was bold and courageous As a firebrand leader his obsession was to free India and, to achieve it,  he would go to  any extent, putting his personal life  at  risk. Old timers will never forget WWII adventures - his daring escape from house arrest by the British, his secret meeting with Nazi leader Hitler and unexpected journey in a German submarine to Sumatra (held by Japanese) and finally his mysterious sudden death .in a plane crash in Taiwan on 18 August 1945.

.Across India every nook and corner  you  will  see the picture of Netaji; he is not with us, but his legacy continues to day and for ever. 


Netaji Subbash Chandra Bose: A brief note: 

Bose  resigned prestigious ICS post and later formed INA..sscadda.com

1918 Bose with Gandhiji, annual congress meeting. wikipedia.

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (23 January 1897 – 18 August 1945), hailing from a  rich Bengali  family of Cuttack (now Odisha), right from the young age, had disliked  the British for their oppressive rule in India, racial bias, exploitation of Indian natives and their resources, etc. Under his father's compulsion, having completed   BA in  Philosophy at Scottish Church college Kolkata,  he went to England to take the prestigious ICS exam. Though he came out with flying colors (1920), he left the lucrative govt. job in April 1923 and, in the same year, came under the influence of  C.R. Das, a popular Bengali  politician and freedom fighter. In 1923, Bose became  the President of the All India Youth Congress and also the Secretary of Bengal State Congress. He also held powerful post in the Calcutta Municipal corporation. He got a good name while holding all these posts and proved that he was a stickler for discipline.  

His active participation in several protests against the British got their attention.  The government  arrested him on several occasions and, at last,  in 1925 deported him  to Burma (Myanmar). This time the British suspected Bose had close contact with the terrorists in Bengal and elsewhere. His trip to Europe in the mid 1930s  got him a chance  to talk to important  European political leaders, Indian students and others. There he saw the impact of Communism and fascism on the people. Back in India in 1938 he became the Congress President. As he  had crossed sword with Gandhji  and others  over the conduct of freedom movements after his reelection as the President in 1939,  he was ousted from that post. Bose was doubtful about non-cooperation methods to get freedom from the adamant British. 

At Chennai 1939, Bose with Posumpon Thevar. twitter.com/anujdhar

Bose soon resigned from the presidency and formed the All India Forward Bloc. (He was well assisted by  patriot Sri. Muthuramalinga Thevar of  S. Tamil Nadu  in various phases and in the later years after India's freedom he won the election  from his native place (1952) on Forward Block party ticket.  In 1941, while under house arrest Bose  escaped and went to Nazi Germany and other places.  From aboard  he carried on his freedom struggle, by forming an army consisting of  mostly Indian volunteers, ex-poisoners  and others  trained by the Japanese. army. The INA - Indian National Army, based in SE Asia, would work against the British in tandem with Indian freedom fighters in India. To some extent he succeeded in advancing  with the INA toward India. However, with the  capture of Singapore by the British forces from the Japanese and surrender of the INA, Bose escaped to China (Manchuria). As Russia had problems with Britain, his idea was to seek their help. Unfortunately,  his idea of free India -  Azhad Hind did not see the light  as he died in a plane crash in Taiwan  in August 1945. His unexpected death  still remains a puzzle. Is it an accident or an act of sabotage? Time only will tell.  




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