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British Schools in England teach distorted past colonial history to hide the darker side! -01


 Across the former British colonies  people including  a  section of  Englishmen  are pained over Britain's  gruesome colonial past history.  According to a 2016 study (YouGov poll) 43 percent of Britons believe the empire was a good thing, and 44 percent consider Britain’s colonial past a source of pride. A 2020 study showed that Britons are, unlike people in France, Germany, Japan, and other former colonial powers, would like their country to have  an empire. The surveys point out how the psyche of the misguided English mind is deeply embedded with the concocted, whitewashed narrative of British colonial history.

When the revelation came to light  several years ago that the British schools and undergraduate degree courses  were  purposely  presenting  a distorted and  different version of Indian colonial history to highlight their  stellar roles in various fields like judiciary, government administration, railways, agriculture, etc.,  and  their purported introduction of democratic process  and its impact on the Indian subcontinent,  the world was in for a big surprise. The British curriculum has no room for brutality of British colonialism, slave trade, massacres in India and elsewhere.  But the children get a decent dosage on the evils of  Nazi Germany or the American Civil War, the reign of Henry VIII and other details. 

Queen  Victoria and British colonies. and the psephizo.com

No chapter on the illegal take over of Bengal and other regions by the East India company. After winning the battles of Plassey (1757) and Buxar (1764), the British got the control of the Bengal Presidency (then - Bengal and Bihar).  1765 Treaty of Allahabad' in 1765 - The British were officially granted rights to collect revenue in the Bengal Presidency headed by Robert Clive. It marked the declining Mogul power in India. Clive made his fortunes in Bengal became the richest Nabob...... 

No mention of the greatest British conservative politician  Churchill and his idea of chemical warfare against the innocent Iraqi civilians . Reason: They demanded  independence from Britain. Churchill was the hardcore racist who was two times Prime Minister of the UK.

No mention of large scale massacres in areas like Lucknow (UP) during the 1857 great Indian rebellion against the EIC  and how many rebels were strapped before the cannons and blown to pieces.  The syllabus never included Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919  master minded by brig. gen. Reginald dyer. and the 1943 great Bengal famine orchestrated by Churchill. The war criminals were not punished and their services were praised by the British royalty.  


The young Britons must to be taught how Britain became rich primarily because of the colonial past -  as a result of inflow of vast revenue  from countries like India, Africa, etc. The Descendants of the rich Nabobs like Clive of past era  live in big mansions that were built on colonial loot and commissions  on the sidelines. 
Lack of unity in India. Jeffery Keaton.bookikes.com

Spread of imperialism. ainly.com/question/20565325

Above image: The funny  cartoon implies the inclusion of new colonies that were captured and  established as sources of gold and silver to strengthen British / European economics, foodstuff to enrich their culinary production, and raw materials for the industry developed during the second industrial revolution...................

Deeply buried in the  abysmal depth  of colonial history are  persistent belief of the aristocratic British Bobs'  racial superiority bordering on arrogant attitude and vast human rights' violations in the colonies and wholesale lootings.  Some of the results of the  surveys of the British school and college system reveal the poor understanding of the colonial empire and how the the facts are far removed from


English Co and exploitation of Indian farmers. teachoo.com

Above images:  The East India company cheated the Indian farmers and made them suffer with the introduction of Zamindari system.  Do the English school books mention about how the East India company had exploited  the natives?

the  reality of  dark and dirty colonial past history that premised on exploitation of natural resources, racism and dishonest land grabbing spree  from  legitimate rich rulers of the land, besides ill-treatment of  poor farmers in the states where opium, Indio and cotton cultivations  were in progress under duress to fill up the British treasury..

Trading Company East India Co. victorianweb.org

The adage that ''Truth'' can not lie buried for a long time'' is true,  and  in the case of British India history their appalling and sickening history is coming out nice and clear day by day.  There are countless news paper articles and books written  on the role of the British government and conservative politicians  backed by  the status conscious  British royalty   and how, on purpose, had fed wrong information on the colonial legacy in their educational institutions to falsely present their noble contribution. The biased British historians say their primary contribution in India was  democracy and its goodies. Their projection of bright  optimistic  colonial past is more a myth than a reality. 


There was no British colony that was free from oppressive rule -   exploitation of natural resources  and merciless  massacres of natives that were carried out with impunity by the British and the royalty  to squeeze the nations at both ends to fill the coffers of the royal treasury and to protect the British interest.  After having committed all the wrongs, rendering the nation poor and the natives emaciated  before their departure for good under compelling political circumstances, the British had rewritten the colonial history  in the schools text books, etc. putting the bad impact on the colonies to the rear.  Now they are giving  a sermon on the virtues  of democracy  and  how well  they adopted it in  the  colonies  and brought  sanity there as if Indians were barbarians, devoid of knowledge, skills and wisdom . Britain controlled one fifth of the world population to benefit them  and  they did far less good  and  more bad things in their colonies. 

Map of colonial India, assets.sutori.com

Defenders of British rule in India often cite the construction of the railroad net works, or the spread of the English language, western education, irrigation canals, etc. This was done only for their benefits to run the administration effectively so that vast flow of Indian revenue into England  would continue without any break.   

Since independence, with the introduction of many reforms in many fields over the years,  India  achieved   the growth rate of  6 percent to 8 percent, never ever practical  under British rule. Now, it is one of the 5 leading economies in the world despite her inherent problems, like population, countless ethnic groups and hilly tribes,  border problems with belligerent China and bouts of  religious terrorism instigated by the neighboring theocratic Pakistan run by mad and corrupt  military officers. As for  the frequently cited advantages of English  education, introduced by the colonists, only 10% of the population speak it. British rulers invested only small amounts in public goods and education and the contribution  is just barely minimum. 

Like wise centuries ago Slavery was the money-spinning   trade across the Atlantic and the buyers were mostly cotton and sugar plantation owners in the Americas. Many British slave Trade owner like Edward Colston of Bristol  were rich and their descendants are now living in big mansions.   On the sideline some EIC higherups in India  like Gov. Elihu Yale, Gov. of Madras made money illegally to live a comfortable life after retirement. 

India's  University Grants Commission (UGC) document on Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF), 2021  for undergraduate education in history  was keen to  recreate the history with the aim to  understand its glorious past  and put it in its rightful place in the new global order because “History, as we all know, is a vital source to obtain knowledge about a nation’s soul”.




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