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Funny quotes & humor 34

Scalper's delight:

What is scalper's delight?
 Men with long, free flowing hair -hippies.

What is scalper;s envy?
Close-cropped shaven heads. Most importantly baldies

Indian Polity:
2ndlook - WordPress.com

What is politician's delight?
The gullible audience that is taken for a ride  by his cock and bull stories and his promises of plenty.

What s politician's regret?
The inquisitive media and intelligent people who question his loose talk and gaffes. Where to park his ill-gotten money 

The Candid Eye

What a gaffe!?Does ? Garry mean the Alamo? Cleveland.com
Brutish Society:

What is British royalty's delight?
Britishness and subordination of other classes of people..
What is British royalty's regret?
Loss of glory, fat dole from the British government and loss of British colonies like India.
Quick Take 
American Politics:

What is American Politician's (Republicans) delight?

Hanging too many daggers over the head of immigrants
Sword of Damocles,/en.wikipedia.org

Crossing the Great Wall. CartoonStock

What is Republicans regret?
There is no way to raise a strong tall boundary wall  overnight,
The Great Wall of America. Bakken Law
covering the entire stretch of California through Texas.Tolling the death knell  for bordercrossing by Chicanos and others

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