Hindu temple Chariot (Ratha) - 36 engaging facts
Big temple chariot, Thanjavur, TN commons.wikimedia.orgAbove image: Thanjavur Sri Brehadiswarar temple car; picture taken a day before therottam (first run) that took place first in April 2015 after a...
View ArticleFamous Hindu temple chariots of India - 01
 The annual Chariot festival, an integral part of temple ritual protocol, is observed by countless Hindu temples across India, in particular, Tamil Nadu where it is a long drawn event, commonly...
View ArticleFamous Hindu temple chariots of India - 02
 The temple chariot, a physical representation of cosmos, carries divinity, hence it is a moving temple that is sanctified for the purpose of carrying the representative of temple gods (utchavars) on...
View ArticleFamous Hindu temple chariots of India - 03
The reason why Hinduism gives importance to temple chariot and its run as part of temple ritual is a fully decorated chariot with a wooden baas is more or less a replica of a temple with its inner...
View ArticleKalpathy (Palakkad) Ratholsavam of Kerala - a hoary tradition and legacy of...
Kalpathy ratholsavam, Palakkad, Kerala. twitter.comKalpathy, Palakad, Sree Vishwanathaswami templehehindu.comAbove image:  Sree Vishalakshi Sametha Sree  Vishwanatha Swami Temple (1425 AD) car...
View ArticleDanish settlement, Tharangambadi, Tamil Nadu - A forgotten legacy of Denmark
The Danish fort Tharangambadi, TN upload.wikimedia.orgThe Danish fort Tharangambadi, TN.blog.railyatri.in.Danish East India Co. youtube.comJust like the Portuguese, Spanish, French and the British, the...
View ArticleDanish Governor's House, Tharangambadi, TN - How restoration was done?
unused Danish Governor's house, Tharangambadi indiatimes.comdamaged Danish Governor's house, Tharangambadi,en.natmus.dkGovernor's house in ruins.Tharangambadi,en.natmus.dkGovernor's house...
View ArticleFamous Nanjangud. Chariot festival of karnataka
Srikanteshwara raththchava Nanjangode.deccanchronicle.com Srikanteshwara raththchava Nanjangode.deccanchronicle.comIn the state of Karnataka one of the most popular and biggest ratha festivals is...
View ArticleGovernor's House in the Danish settlement of Thrangambadi, TN
It is true that during the colonial era, Indian subcontinent became a battle ground for the European powers to dominate trade activities, etc. The British had an edge over the others as their business...
View ArticleZion and New Jerusalem Churches -first Protestant churches of former Danish...
Tharangambadi, Zion church, 1922. upload.wikimedia.orgIn the 1980s and prior to that this site of Danish settlement, now a protected monument at Tharangambadi (Trankebar or Tranquebar) was more or...
View ArticleThe Jhargram Raj Palace of Jhargram, West Bengal , a serene place to relax
 The Jhargram Raj Palace of Jhargram, West Bengal built by the Jhargram royal family is now partly converted into a heritage hotel with 10 well appointed nicely furnished rooms on the ground floor...
View Article''Chuar rebellion'' of West Bengal against the British in which tribes played...
Chuar rebellion 1768 expriences.blogspot.coIndians who were under the British rule toiled very hard to get the country free Britain. Their two centuries of unjust rule in the subcontinent was beset...
View ArticleVelu Thambi Dalawa's house in Thalakulam, TN - needs proper restoration and...
House of Velu Thambi, Thalakkulam, TN incrediblekumari.blogspot.comHouse of Velu Thambi, Thalakkulam, TN  ncrediblekumari.blogspot.comHouse of Velu Thambi, Thalakkulam, TN...
View ArticleOld ''British-era'' Steel Bridge across the river Kollidam Trichi - another...
Kollidam old steel bridge, Trichy, TN 1928.thehindu.comAbove image: A section of British-era cast iron steel bridge across the Kollidam river in Tiruchirappalli. Built in 1928 in the place of an...
View ArticleDalawa Velu Thambi's sword - a tale of simple twist!
Vlu Thambi's famous sword, kerala..indiatimes.comAmong the exhibits in the Napier Msim of Truvananthpura, Kerala designed by architect Robert Chisholm the most popular exhibit is that of fine sword...
View ArticleB. G. Horniman, British journalist first exposed to the world the horrors of...
British journalist who expose Jallianwala Bagh killing thenorthlines.comAs part of history of India's freedom struggle many of us in the school studied the bizarre incident of the Jallianwala Bagh...
View ArticleThirumalai Nayak Mahal of Madurai, a fine Indo Saracenic building that...
, .Madurai Nayakkar mahal, dreamstime.com/Thirumalai Nayak mahal, Madurai, TNThirumalai Nayak Palace built in 1836 by ruler Thirumalai Nayak of Madurai Nayak dynasty is architecturally one of the...
View ArticleMurder of Ashe, Collector of Tinnelveli - What made Vanchinathan take the...
''Happy Independence Day''. Be a proud man to celebrate -75 years of its Independence ; mind you in countless countries people are not not free under draconian laws. Bear in mind that no nation is...
View ArticleThirumalai Nayak Mahal palace of Madurai, TN - why is it a popular tourist...
hirumalai Nayak Palace (Mahal), Madurai, TN/en.wikipedia.orgThirumalai nayak mahal, Madurai, TNA visit to the temple city of Madurai, Tamil Nadu for the first time will be incomplete if a visitor never...
View ArticleThe College of Arts, Thiruvanthapuram founded by ruler Moolam Thirunal Sir...
College of Fine Arts, Kerala. T.V.Puram,ustdial.comCollege of Fine Arts, Kerala. T.V.Puram, upload.wikimedia.orgAbove image: The HH Maharajah school of Fine Arts on M.G. road, Palayam,...
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