Neermahal (water palace), near Agartala, is one of its kind in NE India - a...
Though there are hundreds of architecturally big palaces built by rich Maharajahs of former princely states across India during the colonial rule, only two of them are them are set in the midst of...
View ArticleThe ''Old Government House'' at Barrackpore (Kolkata) - in 2021 commemorated...
Old Government House Barrackpore elegraphindia.comIt was in 1775, the oldest British India cantonment was set up in Barrackpore, a strategical location on the banks of Hooghly. 14 km upstream from...
View Article''Karthigai deepam'', Thiruvannamalai,TN a mega festival in which safety and...
Karthigai maha deepam, Thiruvannamalai, TN religionworld.inAt the popular Arrunachaleswar temple, Thiruvannamalai the annual Maha Deepam festival - a 9 day event is a big festival and the main event...
View ArticleLady Charlotte Canning and the Government House, Barrackpore near Kolkata
Among the Indian cities Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai are dotted with countless colonial govt. buildings, public buildings, Bungalows, etc constructed during the British rule . Initially most of them...
View ArticleLady Charlotte Canning (wife of Gov. Gen. Charles Canning)'s tomb memorial,...
the monument at Barrackpore.victorianweb.orgAbove image: From Lady Canning's monument, Barrackpore, WB. Image source: Hare, III:facing p. 168. Note the iron railings....On the other side of the...
View ArticleImportance of Bharani Deepam (Karthigai deepam festival)
Among the Hindu festivals the one that is widely observed in India especially in south india is Karthigai Deepam festival. It is the most popular one in Tamil Nadu and the primary venue is...
View ArticleKarthigai Deepam 2022 and 10 day festivities, Thiruvannamalai, TN - a brief note
The annual Karthigai (also spelled Karthikai) Deepam festival is yet another well-known Hindu festival, particularly in Tamil nadu that normally falls in the Tamil month of Karthigai (mid-Nov to...
View ArticleThrikarthika festival Kerala, a brief note
Karthika Deepam (Thrikarthika) festival,Kerala twitter.comKarthigai deepam festival, Kerala Vaikom temple. in.pinterest.comKarthigai Deepam, an ancient festival, often associated with God Shiva and...
View ArticleRockfort Thayumanaswamy Temple, Tiruchi - ''Karthigai Maha deepam'' was lit...
trichy rockfort, maha Deepam, tamilnadu image: Trichy city, Uchi pillayar temple and the maha deepam tower (about 30 m tall) bear the shrine. This hill is made of the oldest rocks on...
View ArticleThe 130 year old Nanjaraja Bahadur Choultry, Mysuru needs urgent restoration...
The Nanjaraja Bahadur Choultry, The Nanjaraja Bahadur Choultry, Mysuru. starofmysore.comMysuru city is one of places in india which is dotted with more than 500 plus heritage...
View ArticleHiggingbothams Book store of Bengaluru - one of the oldest book stores in...
Higgins Bothams book store,, Bangalore. indiatimes.comHiggins Bothams book store,, Bangalore. indiatimes.comThe very mention of Higginbotham's Book Stores conjures up the imagination of my olden days...
View ArticleGrading of heritage buildings in Mysuru by the District heritage Committee -...
Mysuru city of karnataka has the rare honor of having more than 500 heritage buildings as per a revised estimate prepared by the INTACH, a conservation agency in the forefront, and many of them...
View ArticleThe Dufferin Clock Tower and Silver Jubilee Clock Tower of Mysuru -...
Among the Indian cities Mysuru is one of those cities that have a large number of heritage buildings of splendor and majesty and invariably most of them have close link with the Royal Wadiyar family,...
View ArticleMysore Corporation building and the evolution of the old civic body- a brief...
Mysuru city corporation bldg. starofmysore.comMysuru city corporation bldg..agefotostock.comMysuru city corporation bldg..upload.wikimedia.orgFor the Mysore City Corporation as it was then called...
View ArticleGordon House (DC Office) Mysuru - a heritage structure that needs to be saved
Gordon House, Mysuru. ‘Gordon Park’ that houses the DC office was named after Sir James Davidson Gordon, the British Administrator, who was the guardian of Maharajah Chamaraja Wadiyar who...
View ArticleThe Crawford Hall of the Univ. of Mysore - its 100th convocation and addition...
Crawford hall U of Mysore, Mysurudeccanherald.comAmong so many interesting and impressive heritage buildings of Mysuru city, the hub of Karnataka’s art, culture and heritage, the Crawford hall is...
View ArticleSrirangam temple Vaikunda Ekadasi festival begins on 22 Dec. 2022 -...
Srirangam Panthakal Naduthal’ ritual most popular annual temple festival Vaikunta Ekadasi festival (December-January) gets more prominence at Srirangam Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple...
View ArticleSrirangam Namperumal's long stay at Thrumala (AP) in 1300s CE - during Muslim...
Thousands of devotees who visit or go past the Ranga mandapam and the small shrine there at Thirumala, Andhra may not be aware that Srirangam temple' s festival panchaloha idol Sri Alagiya...
View ArticleSowmya Narayana Perumal Temple,Thirukoshtiyur where Sri Ramanuja revealed...
Sowmya Narayana Perumal Temple,Thirukoshtiyur Dedicated to god Vishnu, Sowmya Narayana Perumal Temple in Thirukoshtiyur, Tamil Nadu is a popular one among the 108 Divyadesam shrines...
View ArticleRaya (Mottai) gopram,Srirangam and remembering 44th pontiff of Sri Ahobila... Old Mottai / Rayagopuram, rarebooksocietyofindia.orgAbove image: Gateway (south) at Sri Ranganatha Swami temple, Srirangam (1847) near Tiruchirappalli, now Tamil...
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