Gymkhana, sporting club popularized by the British in the Indian subcontinent...
Across many parts of India probably you would have come across a quaint word gymkhana, particularly in those states that were part of main Presidencies of colonial India - Madras, Bombay and...
View ArticleDewas heritage Collectorate building that retained the legacy of Puar clan...
Dewas Collectorate, MP /m.facebook.comAcross india in almost every state saving the heritage building and monuments has become a big issue. Government officials take decision according to their...
View ArticleSree Vaikom Mahadeva Temple of Kerala - strange case of Puja rituals being...
Sree Vaikom Mahadeva Temple, Kerala en.wikipedia.orgI have overwhelming fascination for the Hindu temples of Kerala not because of their vernacular architecture that is quite congruent with the...
View ArticleSree Vaikom Mahadeva temple, Kerala - popular ''Vaikkath Ashtami'' festival...
Vaikom Mahadeva temple, Kerala. Vrichika Ashtami festival, Kerala. hindudevotionalblog.comLocated in the center of the town -Vaikom of Kottayam district the Shiva temple...
View ArticleBuland Darwaza, Fatehpur Sikri. Why is it admired by tourists? - 21 important...
Monumental gate, Buland Darwaza Fatehpur Sikri India, a multi-language and multicultural country, has innumerable monuments built by various dynasties dating as far back as 1500 years. This country,...
View ArticleThe Jhargram Raj Palace, W.Bengal - now a heritage hotel!!
Jhargram palace, W. bengal, /upload.wikimedia.orgThe Jhargram Raj Palace, the current residence of the Malla Deb Royal family is in Jhargram district of West Bengal. The royal family is running a...
View ArticleBrihadeshvara temple of Thanjavur, TN - numerous unknown facts - 01
Brihadeeswarar temple, Thanjavur, TN. upload.wikimedia.orgAmong the rulers or dynasties of the Indian subcontinnt, no other rulers seems to have left their indelible footprint of history and culture...
View ArticleBrihadeshwara temple of Thanjavur, TN - numerous unknown facts - 02
Thanjavur Brihadishvara temple, TN. temple complex (photo: Junykwilfred, CC BY-SA 3.0)/smarthistory.orgBrihadishvara temple of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu is dedicated to god Shiva in the...
View ArticleGarden Houses of colonial era in Chennai - may fade away soon for good
Dilapidated garden house, Pallavaram, Chennai. newindianexpress.comThat in this transient world nothing is permanent is a reality and the Hindu God Nataraja's cosmic dance symbolizes his balancing act...
View Article"Azhi Therottam" of Thiruvarur is to be held on the first of April, 2023 -...
Thiruvarur Sri Thyagaraja temple and Azhi ther, The temple administration of the popular Thiruvarur Sri Thyagaraja temple of Tamil Nadu has announced the annual Azhi Therrotam (rath yatra)...
View ArticlePambummekkattu Mana and the cult of Snake worship in Kerala.
Pambumekkattu mana.Kerala. facebook.comOphiolatry is defined as the worship of or attribution of divine or sacred nature to snakes and the practice is widespread globally. more so across India....
View ArticleAyyanar, a village guardian god - an integral part of rural space of Tamil Nadu
Rural demi god, TN Ayyanarin.pinterest.comAyyanar statue in a village, TNThe worship of Ayyanar, a venerated Hindu god is widespread in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu and also in other adjacent Indian...
View ArticleAyyanar shrines with rows of terracotta horses of Chettinad, TN - facing...
Painted terracotta horses, Solai Andavar shrine..alamy.comArungarai Amman temple.TN oabalu.wixsite.comTerracotta horses,dedicated to god Ayyanar TN While travelling through the interior parts of Tamil...
View ArticleChittoor Kottaram (palace) of erstwhile Kochi Maharajah - a heritage resort...
The Chittoor Palace Cochin onmanorama.comIf you want to experience a glimpse of royal dwelling not in a palatial and richly embellished palace, but in a elegant, unassuming and unostentatious place,...
View ArticleThirumalapuram Rock Cut Temples of Tirunelveli District - this heritage site...
Thirumalapuram cave shrines veludharan.blogspot.comThere are many rock-cut temples across the state of Tamil Nadu, the famous being Mahabalipuram temple complex near Chennai and the rock-cut temples...
View ArticleThe largest Dwarapala sculpture - 1000 year old unearthed in Telangana
biggest Vaishnava Dwarapala found in paddy fields at Malyala village of Siddipet dist..thehindu.comThe biggest Vaishnava Dwarapala found in january 2023 inthe paddy fields at Malyala village of...
View ArticleBali Peetam, of a Hindu temple - What does it highlight?
In a Kumbakonam temple, Bali peetam., Bali peetam, Thirumala temple. Thirumala Balaji temple, Bali peetam. templesinindiainfo.comAlmost all Hindu temples,...
View Article"Āvaraṇa-devatā" of the Hindu temple - a brief note
Brihadeeswarar temple, Thanjavur,close to sanctum, Wikipedia.Above image: The above entrance/exit entrance is at the big temple thanjavur. The sanctum close to it has Āvaraṇa-devatā God's...
View Article''Kirtimukha", a traditional part of Hindu temple architecture, wards off...
Kirtimukha in a Hindu temple Alamy.comMadurai Meenakshi temple, TN Kirtimukha thegoodlifewithiq.comAbove image: Kirtimukha - "A symbol of reabsorption and renewal". The pretty old Madurai Meenakshi...
View ArticleThiruvarur Kal ther at Thyagaraja temple - a reminder of Manu Neeti Chozhan's...
The capital town of Thiruvarur is now in the midst of Panguni Uthiram Thiruvizh - temple festival and Azhi Therottam that is scheduled to take place on the first of April this year. The popular...
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