Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) Fort, Karnataka and the largest cannon (Bara Gazi...
Gulbarga fort, KA .alamy.com Gulbarga fort, KA google.comArches in the Jama Masjid, Gulbarga fort, KA en.wikipedia.orgGulbarga Fort, Karnataka. en.wikipedia.orgLocated in Kalaburagi (formerly...
View ArticleHR & CE of Tamil Nadu. Financial misuse of temple income and properties; only...
Mismanagement of Hindu temples, TN. .quora.com/No other Indian states misuse or abuse Hindu temples,their lands and properties as much as the Tamil Nadu government does. Being under the control of...
View ArticleThe Main Guard Gate of Trichy city, TN - now restored and hawkers are removed
The Main Guard gate of Trichy city, Fort Area, TN is a well known landmark in the city as well as a a protected monument. For a long time it was on either side of the way was occupied by by...
View ArticleAttur Fort (Katti Mudali Fort), Attur, Salem District, TN , a neglected...
know-your-heritage.blogspot.comknow-your-heritage.blogspot.comknow-your-heritage.blogspot.comLocated on the banks of river Vashista, 56 km (35 mi) away from Salem. city, Katti Mudali Fort was built...
View ArticleMegalithic burial sites of Pallavaram, Chennai, Pudukkottai district, etc.,TN...
Megalith is said to be a large hard stone that was once used o build a prehistoric structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones primarily for burial purposes. There are over...
View ArticleMaragatha (Emerald) Lingam of Thiyagaraja Swamy temple ,Thirukkuvalai,TN -...
Maragatha Lingam stolen from Thiyagaraja Swamy temple indiatimes.comIt was a miracle the emerald lingam (Maragatha Lingam) stolen from the Thiyagaraja Swamy temple in Thirukkuvalai near...
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oooCannon on the Dindigul fort, TN en.wikipedia.org Cannon on the Dindigul fort, TN youtube.comAbove images: Canaan on the Dindigul fort, TN: The cannons found Dindigul rock fort at vantage points...
View ArticleTamil Nadu Hindu temples and their properties - HR & CE goes hand in glove...
Two Unesco world heritage sites and 420 listed monuments spread across Tamil Nadu and Puducherry come under the management of the Archaeological Survey of India’s (ASI) Chennai circle which is...
View ArticleTamil Nadu Hindu temples and their properties - HR & CE goes hand in glove...
Saving Hindu temples indiatimes.comWith respect to misuse of temple lands, etc the legislation is merely on paper and no action is forthcoming from the government in power. Since 1970 the TN...
View ArticleTamil Nadu Hindu temples and their properties - HR & CE goes hand in glove...
A large section of Hindus would like temples to be free from the claws of netas and government supervision. The British under the company rule had implemented the same policy in the 19th century,...
View ArticleSamanarmalai cave Temple (9th CE) Keelakuyilkudi near Madurai,TN - sn...
There are many Jain monuments in Tamil Nadu that bear testimony to the popularity of Jainism in ancient Tamil country where many faiths flourished through the ages, in particular around Madurai....
View ArticleThiruparankundram , Madurai - rare ancient Jain heritage monument in the caves!
Thenparankundram rock-cut cave temple, Madurai,TN flickr.comThiruparankundram Jain hills, Madurai, Tamilnaduumai andavar temple acebook.comMadurai has been a center of different faiths for more than...
View ArticlePortion of Golconda fort's recent Naya Qila wall collapse, Hyderabad...
Collapsed wall of Golconda fort, Hyderabad. thehansindia.com Among the tourist spots in Hyderabad, Telangana, the striking landmark sites are the Charminar and the Golconda fort, the latter lies about...
View ArticleGolconda Fort of Hyderabad, India - 22 captivating facts about the historical...
Golconda Fort, Vintage poster, dreamstime.comThe Golconda fort, Hyderabad. India bskartwork.artstation.comThe Golconda fort, Hyderabad. India jagranjosh.comThe Golconda fort, Hyderabad. India....
View ArticleSri Arunachaleswarar Temple, TN and HR & CE's illegal Shopping Mall project...
shopping mall in a temple site, Tiruvannamalai, TNtwitter.com/trramesh/status/shopping mall in a temple site, Tiruvannamalai, TN hindupost.inIn the Legislative Assembly on April 19, 2023, the Minister...
View ArticleVirupaksha Temple of Hampi, KA - recent drilling nail into the pillar of a...
Nov. 2023 hole on the pillar Virupaksha Temple of Hampi opindia.comIndia's many UNESCO World Heritage Sites and thousand of government recognized heritage structures highlight subcontinent's...
View ArticleLakkundi' s inclusion in the Hampi Tourism Circuit, KA by the previous...
Stepped well, Lakkundi Manikeswara temple dreamstime.comKasivisvesvara temple,Lakkundi, KA –en.wikipedia.orgIn February, 2023 the tourism department of Karnataka under the previous administration...
View ArticlePuri heritage Corridor Project around Jagannath temple, Odisha will be open...
Puri Heritage Corridor work, Odisha thehansindia.comIf you think the abuse of temple lands and arbitrary decision to build structures in the listed heritage sites or around them by the government are...
View ArticleMogul ruler Aurangzeb's long siege to the Golconda fort and the role of his...
In the famous 500 plus year old Golconda fort of Hyderabad, Telangana, a protected heritage site one of the attractions among others is a unique cannon - the Fateh Rahbar used by Delhi 's Mogul...
View ArticleThe massive "Fateh Rahbar" bronze cannon, a Mogul legacy in desolate state,...
Golconda fort, India Fateh Rahbar.cannon semanticscholar.orgAbove image: Massive bronze cannon by name Fateh Rahbar The total length of the cannon is 486 cm. The diameter of the muzzle is 70 cm, bore...
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