Bangaru Kamakshi Amman Temple of Thanjavur built by the Maratha king Pratap...
The Bangaru Kamatchi (also spelt Kamakshi) Amman Temple in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, is a historically significant temple being managed by the Kanchi Sankara Mutt. Unlike the grand Kamatchi Amman Temple...
View ArticleRobert Clive's early war exploits in Trichy and Arcot helped him lay the...
Robert Clive of British East India Co. Alamy.comold image, Clive Hostel, tempe and tank,Tiruchi, Above image: Old picture of Clive Hostel Tiruchirappalli, TN with Ucchi Pillayar...
View ArticleRaja Bhaskara Sethupathi of Ramnad, the Guardian of Rama Setu, Tamil Nadu and...
Raja of Ramnad BHaskara Sethupathy,sethupathikingdom.blogspot.com2004 issue. Raja of Ramnad, TN. Bhaskara Sethupathy stampgallery.comCommemorative stamp, Raja of Ramanathapuram, pinterest.comThe Estate...
View ArticleRoyal Yacht Club of Mumbai: a colonial architectural grandeur with a blend of...
Old Royal Yacht club, Mumbai, past-india.comOld Royal Yacht club, Mumbai, dissolve.comThe old yacht club,Mumbai, MH thinkingthefuture.comOld Yacht club, Mumbai, MH hinkingthefuture.cominterior The old...
View ArticleBowring Institute Bangalore’s Premier Club: Its unique European architectural...
old image. Bowring Institute Bangalore .past-india.comAbove image: The Bowring Institute Bangalore’s Premier Club British Era in 1900. Opened in 1868 as a club for private members only. Initially the...
View ArticleM.G. Road (Formerly South Parade), Bengaluru: What has happened to the...
1910 image South Parade (M.C> Road)< Bengalurupast-india.comAbove image: 1910 postcard of South Parade now M G Road during the British Era in Bangalore (Bengaluru)...........South parade,...
View ArticleMt. Everest - Courageous men and their world records 01
Among the outdoor adventure sports, mountain climbing is the most exciting, but grueling one. To get to the top of the peak, say Everest or Annapurna or any other peak above 20,000 feet, one has to...
View ArticleMt. Everest - Courageous men and their world records 02
The first confirmed ascent of Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, was achieved on May 29, 1953, by Sir Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, a Nepali sherpa. They reached the...
View ArticleWhat has made Sherpas born mountaineers?
iz Quotes Mt Everest Base Camp Trek. Chania. . Everest Base Camp TravelAmong Nature's innumerable awe-inspiring creations, the mountains and the tall peaks have fascinated the humans for centuries....
View ArticleBowring and Lady Curzon Hospital (now AB Vajpayee Hospital), Bengaluru played...
Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital(Vajpayee Hospital) / PM of India, A.B.Vaipai amazon.inBowring and Lady Curzon Hospital (renamed as AB Vajpayee Hospital) played a crucial role...
View ArticleIconic Russel market heritage building of Bengaluru - parts of the structure...
Iconic Russel Market with a clock Tower.Above image: Iconic Russel Market with a clock Tower, Shivaji Nagar, Bengaluru. The market building was built later as an extension to the clock tower-----The...
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