The New York'' Indian jewelery'' auction of 2019 fetched millions of dolllars...
Golconda Diamond newindianexpress.comA perusal of diamonds put on sale at the auction conducted by 253-year-old firm Christie's in New York in July 2019 and the exhibition titled, Jewels of India:...
View ArticleDubashis /Banians (Indian Commission Agents/ Translators) and East India...
Coat of arms (1698) During the East India company rule in the Indian subcontinent, three rose a necessity for the English company officials to use the services of an interpreter...
View ArticleGreedy Dubash Paupiah and corrupt East India Company officials, Madras
Corrupt practices. is the recorded story of the British East India Company (EIC) officials and their Debash (or Dubashi)- Indian agent at Fort St. George, Madras...
View ArticleInspiring Thrikkakara Vamana Temple, Kerala - a major center of Onam festival
Thrikkakara Vamana Temple. kerala templepurohit.comThere are a few temples in India dedicated to Lord Vamana, a dwarf-monk avatar of Sri Vishnu. Thrikkakara Temple (also called Thirukatkarai in...
View ArticleHistorical Padri-Ki-Havelii, a Catholic Church in Patna city where Mother...
Catholic church Padri_Ki_Haveli thesouthindianpost.comatholic church Padri_Ki_Havelitravelshoebum.comThere is no state in India that does not churches built before the 19th century and many of them...
View ArticleSri Varadaraja Perumal Temple,Tirunelveli (TN) - one of the oldest temples in...
Sri Varadaraja Perumal TempleTirunelveli,TN close to the Tirunelveli Railway junction - roughly one kilo meter Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple is believed to be one of the...
View ArticlePatna massacre, India -German military officer Rheinhardt 'Sombre' massacred...
Walter Rheinhardt 'Sombre' massacred the British in colonial Indiaflickr.comPatna Cemetery, a legacy of struggle between the Nawab of Bengal and the English trading company, East India company in the...
View ArticleHistorical Church Basilica of our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, India
Church Basilica of our lady of Graces, Sardhana, India Main Altar en.wikipedia.orgChurch Basilica of our lady of Graces, Sardhana, lady of Gracess, Sardhana. India...
View ArticleIrresistible Begum Sambru of Sardhana, India - wife of military commander...
Begum Samru of Sardhana.eventshigh.comOnce in a while we have heard about rags-to-riches stories of men who succeed in their lives from hard- boiled days to those of comfortable ones through...
View ArticleBegum sambru's kothi (State bank of India building), Chandini Chowk, Delhi -...
SBI bldg. Chandini Chowk,Delhi. asianage.comThe majestic simple looking but impressive four-story building in Chandini Chowk, New Delhi has certain interesting episodes of Indian history frozen in it...
View ArticleColonial Chartered Bank building of Kolkata - first bankers in ''Opium trade...
-Standard Chartered Bank, Kolkata, India. Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, founded by the granting of its Royal Charter by Queen Victoria in 1853, opened its...
View ArticleLast Mogul ruler Bahadur Shah Zafar and the discovery of his tomb in Yangon,...
Last Mogul ruler. Bhadur Shah Zafar lighteddream.wordpress.comTomb of Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar, Ynkon, Myanmar triphobo.comIn the last phases of the first war of independence (Many historians view...
View ArticleThe sensational Barrackpore Rebellion of 1824.
Barrackpore mutiny, West Bengal. dnaindia.comIn the annals of India's freedom struggle we are quite familiar with early revolts against the British East India company that began to hold its grip on the...
View ArticleBarrackpore House (West Bengal), habitual summer residence of Governor...
Restored Barrackpore House.telegraphindia.comSummer House of Barrackpore, thefridaytimes.comThe Barrackpore House is a historical building in Barrackpore town (located 14 miles from Calcutta), West...
View ArticleSt. Stephen's Church on Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata - a historical...
St Stephen's Church - Calcutta - The Residencies of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay are home to a large number of colonial churches mostly built in European style, sometimes...
View ArticleThe Kardyl building (Bharat Insurance Bldg.) Chennai - a fascinating heitage...
Kardyl /Bharat Insurance Building, Chennai, The heritage enthusiasts of Chennai saved several heritage buildings either from total demolition or from rotting. Bharat Insurance building,...
View ArticleThe Senate House (University of Madras), Chennai - a wonderful colonial...
the Senate House,Chennai..agefotostock.comThe Senate House, the main administrative hub of the University of Madras in Chennai, on Wallajah Road, along Marina Beach is a fine piece of colonial...
View ArticleCrumbling Victoria Hostel, Chennai - 119 year old heritage structure awaiting...
an old image of Victoria Hostel, Chennai pinrest comIn Chennai alone there are hundreds of old colonial and other monuments, legacies of the British Raj and early colonial rule under the EIC....
View ArticleIncomplete Roya Gopura (tower), Madurai Meenakshi temple
Unfinished Roya Gopuram, Madurai, pinrest. comAdd captionAbove image: The photograph of the unfinished Raya Gopura (Tower) of the Meenakshi temple, Madurai in Tamil Nadu, is part of a collection...
View ArticleThe chaotic state of Roya Gopura, Madurai - access roads need to be conserved
Chaotic Yezhu Kadal st. leading to Roya Gopura (tower). Madurai thehindu.comThe great ruler of Madurai Nayak Dynasty Tirumala Nayak (A.D. 1623 to 1659), wanted to have a huge tower built on the...
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