The bubonic plague of India 1896-97 originated in China - many lessions we...
1896 plague in Bombay. scroll.inDr Accacio Viegas'statue in Mumbai; first to notice plague in Mumbai scroll.inIn 1896-97, during the British Raj Bombay city and Pune of the Bombay Presidency (now...
View ArticleThe 1896-97 palgue attack in Bombay and Pune - first major event that...
Bombay plague 1896-97 .procaffenation.comIf you recall the history of India's freedom struggle against the British, the tragic events between 1896 to early 1940s such as the bubonic plague of Bombay...
View ArticleDr. Acacio Gabriel Viegas - the first Indian doctor to discover the 1896...
Dr. Acacio Gabriel Viega, first reported plague attack in Bombay, 1896 /en.wikipedia.orgDr. Acacio Gabriel Viega, first reported plague attack in Bombay, 1896 mid-day.comAcacio Gabriel Viegas (1 April...
View ArticleSpeech, an important part of Coronavirus infection - Indians need to be extra... over almost all leaders keep advising people to maintain social distancing and self-isolation in a lock-down situation to retard the spreads of covid-19...
View ArticlePatriot Vanchinathan who shot dead Collector Ashe, a fitting memorial in his...
Across Tamil Nadu, South India one can see countless statues of various sizes and types of well-known political leaders in towns and cities. These statues assume importance only on the birthday/or...
View ArticleSir Thomas Munro's equestrian statue, Chennai; the 'Stirrup-less Majesty' -...
Thomas Munro equestrian statue with no sirrrup. thehindu.comMemorial Sir. Thomas Munro, St. Mary's Church, Madras. wikiwand.comThe equestrian Munroe statue in 'The Island' area is a popular landmark in...
View ArticleCopper plays a key role in reducing body fat.
Obesity pngkit.comObesity.thecomicstrips.comObesity has been a major problem world over for a few decades and in the last decade, it is on the increase for various reasons. It involves an excessive...
View ArticleGreen roof top reduces indoor air pollution !!
www.fuegodesigns.comMore often than not we talk about outdoor air pollution and in this regard smog, power plants and emissions from cars and trucks, etc come to our mind first. We either ignore or...
View ArticleAssam's country brew ''Sulai' - poor man's liquor!
local rectified spirit. Sulai, Assam flickr.comThere are a few local brews available in the tribal areas of Assam, NE India. Mostly brewing is done by women in the tribal family and they take adequate...
View ArticleThe Murree Brewery, Indian subcontinent's oldest catering to the British in...
Colonial India, oldest beer company established by the Britishrastgar-co.comThe Ruins of the Murree Brewery in Murree.Murree Brewery company, the largest and oldest producer of alcoholic products...
View ArticleWhy did India pale ale become popular drink world over?
India pale ale beer spiritedgifts.comThat 'necessity is the mother of invention' is true in the case of colonial rulers of India in the 17th and 18th century. From humble origins in 1600, East India...
View ArticleDogs and fearlessness- how are they related?
redandhowling.comAmong the animals fear is a common feature and researchers say fearfulness is one of the most common behavioral disorders in dogs. Fear is a spontaneous or careful response that helps...
View ArticleHow are Chennai tipplers ripped off by a con man during the present Corona...
drunkman, shutterstock com .dnaindia.comThe entire world being in the grip of novel corona virus with various countries facing so many serious social, health, financial and other issues on account...
View ArticleParukutty Nethyar Amma - Freedom fighter from the Cochin Royal family, Kerala
Daughter of Kurur Narayanan Namoddripad and Chinammu Amma Vadakke Kuruppath and wife of HH Maharajah Rama Varma Kunjikkidavu Thampuran, Cochin (1914 - 1932), queen Parukutty Nethyar Amma played no...
View ArticleHistorical Cochin House (now Kerala House), Delhi built during the Raj
Cochin House (now Kerala House), Delhi. House, Delhi, an elephant statue. commons.wikimedia.orgPrior to India's freedom from Britain, the princely states in India had a close...
View ArticleMany interesting facts about introduction of “India Pale Ale” 19th century...
India pale Ale. SlideShareAbove image: "The term “India Pale Ale” (or IPA) comes from pale ale exported to India by the British at the time when East India company was carrying on the mercantile trade...
View ArticleReginald Dyer, the dreadful butcher of Jallianwalla Bagh (1919) and how he...
Murderer Brig. Gen. Reginald Dyer, British India April bagh massacre, 1919. economictimes.indiatimes.comOn the 13th of April, 1919 about 101 years ago, a devil by the name...
View ArticleDyer-Meakin and company became Mohan Meakin Company because of infamous...
Mohan Meakin Breweries, Solan India m.tribuneindia.comDyer Meakin and company, India Nath Mohan was the founder of Solan-based brewery, Dyer Meakin Breweries which he...
View ArticleDr. Rajendra Singh, 'Water Conservationist' who lit up the lives of...
johad, sandrp inalamy in.In the last one decade or so much emphasis given to water conservation by many countries, in particular India, the second most populous country in the world. Water...
View ArticleDr. Rajendra Singh, 'Water Conservationist' who lit up the lives of...
Dr. Rajendra Singh, Water man of India. godofsmallthing.comjohad, Rajasthan sandrp inIn the last one decade or so much emphasis given to water conservation by many countries, in particular India, the...
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