God's Own Country, Kerala - haven for tipplers!!
An alcoholic freak, theweek.inDuring India's independence struggle against the British rule, Mahatma Gandhiji campaingned against the consumption of alcohol and considered it as a major social evil...
View ArticleIncreasing fatal combination of heat and humidity - avoid it as much as you...
sweltering heat. smwac.netIn this era of global warming, the weather patterns across the regions in many continents have become unpredictable. The recent impact of Covid-19 virus on the global...
View ArticleSherpa people's physical endurance in oxygen-starved environment on Mt....
Sherpa of the Himalaya ktwop.com/For any mountaineering team to scale the tallest peak in the world or any peaks in the Himalayas, the untiring help of Sherpas is quite indispensable. It is quite...
View ArticleHistorical Flagstaff Tower, Delhi and 163 rd anniversary of 1857 rebellion...
Image of Flag-staff tower, Delhi. lookandlearn.comFlag Staff Tower, Delhi .en.wikipedia.org/The 163rd anniversary of the first war of Independence, also called the great rebellion of 1857, took place...
View ArticleTranqulizing the rogue elephant is a difficult task. Vets need proper...
Tranqulizing the elephant, Siliguri, W.Bengal. economictimes.indiatimes.comRogue elephant in Kerala. to-tranquilizethehindu.comIn the Indian states like Assam and Kerala, rogue elephants are a problem...
View ArticleLegendary and popular Thirumandham Kunnu Bhagavathy temple Angadippuram,...
There is no dearth of Kali temples in the state of Kerala. Bhadrakali Amman temples are quite popular here and lots of devotees go there for peace of mind and to get freed from certain problems being...
View ArticleKadampuzha Devi temple, Kerala - consecrated by the great saint Sri...
Kadampuzha Devi temple,mandirmandir.comKadampuzha in Malappuram district, Kerala, India has a famous Hindu pilgrimage center where there is a popular temple dedicated to Goddess Parvati/Durga....
View ArticleKadampuzha temple. Kerala and its link with Arjuna of Mahabharata!!
Kadampuzha Devi temple, kerala Trip advisor.com The Kadampuzha Devi temple at Kadampuzha in Malappuram district, Kerala, India that is dedicated to Goddess Parvati/Durga. and where there is no God's...
View ArticleGandhiji's political cartoons and his dislike in our present Indian political...
Ghandhi then and now cartoonmirror.comEx PM Dr. Mamohan Singh was in the wrong company. santabanta.comMahatma Gandhiji is remembered only on his birth day (Gandhi Jayanthi -2nd of October) every year...
View ArticleSimple but impressive Baleshwar Shiva temple, Uttrakhand
Baleshwar temple shiva temple Uttrakhand, pinterest.comOrnamental roof, Baleswar temple Uttrakhand, com Believed to constructed between the 10th and the 12th centuries the Baleshwar temple is a...
View ArticleMahasu Devta temple, dedicated to the ''God of Justice'', Charkrata, Uttrakhand
Mohashu Devta temple, east banks of Tons river Hanol Village.reddit.com/In the Garhwali area (a hilly region) the main deity is Lord Mahasu that is worshiped as Mahasu Devta in the temple. It is...
View ArticleThe Mahasu gods, Uttrakhand - their interesting legend
Mahasu Devta temple, Uttrakhand tripadvisor com. Hinduism is not a religion and it is a way of life and there are innumerable deities in the Hindu pantheon. The basic being the ''Trinity Gods'' - Sri...
View ArticleHistorical Michael's Cathedral, Shimla - a legacy of the British Raj
colonial church Michael cathedral, Shimla, tour myindia comcolonial church Michael cathedral, Shimla alamy stock. inLocation map. Shimla city, Mihachal Oradesh.slideshare com.The popular hill station...
View ArticleInteresting Jagara celebration and bizarre Shannt festival associated with...
Village god. Mahasu Devta temple, Uttrakhand, mapconet. village god Ayyanar riding the horse, TN stock.adobe.comThe Jagara celebration associated with Lord Mahasu in the Gharwali region of...
View ArticleCops sacrificed two goats to propitiate the god to curb crime near...
Kovilpalayam police station, TN and goat sacrifice .timesnownews.com/When people are facing misfortune in succession, they become either bewildered or confused. Then they control themselves and find...
View ArticleUnique Baijinath temple complex where God Shiva and Goddess Parvati are...
1000 year old. Baijnath_Temple,Uttrakhand en.wikipedia.orgThe Uttrakhand state is not only famous for beautiful and breath-taking mountainous terrains and fine greenery, but also for innumerable old...
View ArticleSanctified Chandi Devi temple, Haridwar, Uttrakhand-one of thee Siddh peeths!!
Chandi Devi temple, Uttrakhand, haridwar.nic.inSituated atop the Neel Parvat on the Eastern summit of the Sivalik Hills, the southernmost mountain chain of the Himalayas is the . Chandi Devi (also...
View ArticleCops sacrificed two goats in the police station to propitiate the god to...
sacrficial lambs cartoonstockGoat sacrifice in a court, Uttrakhand stste. /timesofindia.indiatimes.comAbove image: In Sept. 2016 in a court case the High Court, Uttrakhand finlly gave in and allowed...
View ArticleSt. Mary's Church, Kotgarh, Shimla - a historical English church
St Mary’s Church Kotgarh, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. twitter.comSt Mary’s Church Kotgarh, Shimla, HP. a-hotel.com/Shimla city, now the capital of the state of Himachal Pradesh, used to be the summer...
View ArticleHistorical Anglican Christ Church, Kasauli, HP - a legacy of the early rule...
Christ Church Kasauli, HP, tripadvisor.Christ Church Kasauli, HP. hellotravel.comThe Christ Church in Kasauli (in Solan district) is an interesting place to visit. It was previously under the...
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