V. P. Madhava Rao, an innovative Diwan of Mysore
Diwan V.P. Madhava Rao pmadhavarao.blogspot.comAmong the reputed Diwans who acted as an intermediary between the colonial rulers and princely rulers in the past era, Sri Madhava Rao is counted as one...
View ArticleVegetarian diet cuts cadiac risks!!
cagle.comVegetables. .nychealthandhospitals.orgAn EPIC-Oxford study (2019) analyzed the follow-up results of risks of ischemic heart disease and stroke including hemorrhagic types in meat eaters, fish...
View ArticleThe Thanumalayan Temple of Suchindram, Kanyakumari district - where the...
Thanumalayan Temple of Suchindram. kanyakumaritemples.tnhrce.in Thanumalayan Temple of Suchindram, TN templepurohit.comThe Thanumalayan Temple of Suchindram in Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu in the...
View ArticleVelimalaiLord Murugan
Velimalai Murugan temple, Kanyakumari. TN, facebook com.Kumaracoil Subramania Swamy Temple Kavadi Kettu Festivalhttp://murugan.org There is a Tamil adage that says ''Kundruthorum edathil Kumaran...
View ArticleKapurthala palace, now a Sainik school, Punjab, India.- a beautiful colonial...
Kapurthala palace, now a Sainik school. Punjab, India. pinrest. comMaharajah Jagatjit Singh of kapurthala, Punjab, India. getty images. .mapsofindia.com The Ahluwalia Sikh rulers of Kapurthala prior...
View ArticleElysee Palace, Kapurthala, Punjab, India - a reflection of French style of...
Elysee Palace, Kapurthala, Punjab. blog.railyatri.ilocation map. Kapurthala. mapsofindia.comThe small city of Kapurthala in Punjab, India has many historical monuments and beautiful colonial buildings...
View Article"Panch Mandir, Kapurthala, Punjab, India - a simple place of Hindu worship
"Panch Mandir, Kapurthala, Punjab, India.tour travelworld inPanch mandir, Kapurthala, Punjab, India.wikimapia.orgUnlike most of the Hindu temples of south India where just one God or Goddess is...
View ArticleKapurthala colonial clock 1901, Punjab, India- built by Maharajah Jagatjit Singh
Kapurthala, Punjab, India Clock Tower (1901) freeart.com/Clock Tower, kapurthala India.indiaanditsamazingtours.blogspot.com The free standing clock towers or the ones on the important public...
View Article''Vaikom Stayagraha'', Kerala and first temple entry of Dalits in India - 01:...
Vaikom Sri Mahadeva temple, Vaikom, Kerala risholidays.com/Vaikom Shiva temple, kerala. .mandirmandir.comAbove image: The Vaikom Mahadeva Temple is a famous one in Kerala. This temple, Ettumanoor Shiva...
View ArticleVaikom Satyagraha and first entry of temple by dalits in India - 02 : the...
young ruler of Travancore, Balaram Varma thebetterindia.comAbove image: In 1924 when Mahatma Gandhi on a visit to the erstwhile princely state of Travancore, to meet with members of the royal...
View ArticleVaikom Satyagraha and first entry of temple by dalits in India - 03: impact...
Madurai: famous meenakshi temple. wordatwork.tvIn Tamil Nadu like Kerala and elsewhere, low caste people were denied entry into Hindu temples prior to 1939. So, they had to have their own temple in...
View ArticleSivasailanathar Paramakalyani Amman Kovil, Sivsailam ,Tirunelveli District, TN
Sivasailum temple, Tirunelveli, copper temple flag staff. myspiritualtreasure.comSivasailam Temple, tirunelveli dist. TN .hellotravel.comTiruneveli district of south Tamil Nadu has innumerable...
View ArticleVanamamalai Perumal Temple, Nanguneri, TN - main deity is self-manifested God...
Vanamamalai Perumal Temple, Nanguneri, TN just dialin Vanamamalai Perumal Temple, Nanguneri, TN tripadvisor This more than 1000 plus year old Vanamamalai Perumal (Vishnu) Temple, also known as...
View ArticleThanjavur Cannon (Rajagopalaswami Beerangi) - a neglected heritage site needs...
A forge-welded Iron Cannon in Thanjavur,.oldindianphotos.iRaja Gopalaswami beerangi - cannon, Thanjavur TN. rarebooksocietyofindia.org The city of Thanjavur, TN is one of the oldest cities in India...
View ArticleRanee's Clock tower, Thanjavur city, Tamil Nadu - this heritage site, a...
Thanjavur Rani's Clock Tower, Tamil Nadu. Times ContentPlease refer to my post: https://navrangindia.blogspot.com/2017/02/heritage-structure-ranis-clock-tower.html on Thanjavur Ranee clock tower...
View ArticleM.S. Subbulakshmi, a recipient of Bharat Rathna who dedicated her life to...
Bharat rathna MS amma (1916 - 2004) greatest Carnatic musician. cinestaan.comMore often than not we've heard people mention about women's empowerment in our society. In India, where women were well...
View ArticleDr. Muthulakshmi Reddy, a daring first legislator in India, first female...
Dr. Muthulakshmi_Reddy hisour.com/Dr. Muthulakshmi_Reddy twitter.comTo day Indian women are far better than those in the past centuries when women empowerment or women's right in the society was...
View ArticleRukmani Arundale, Bharat Natyam dancer who revived the old temple art -...
Bharat Natyam dancer Rukmanu Arundale, alchetron.comRukmani Devi and George Arundale. theosophy.worldThe pioneering woman, who shone like a beacon in the area of Classical Bharata Natyam and worked...
View Article''Queen Velu Nachiyar'' of Sivaganga,Tamil Nadu, 18th century queen who took...
Rani Velu Nachiyar of Sivaganga, TN, you tube. Queen Velu Nachiyar of Sivaganga, TN istampgallery.com A few days ago we celebrated International women's day and, as part of it, I covered great Indian...
View ArticleAdi Shankara of Kalady - a great Hindu philosopher
Adi Shankara and his deciples. www.dailyo.in/Adi Shankara Janam Kshetra.trip advisor kalady When Hinduism was on the decline, Adi Shankara was the one who revived it and breathed new life into it. He...
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